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一、 判断下列每组单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写T, 不同的写F. (10分)

( ) 1. water tiger

( ) 2. bird   nurse

( ) 3. tall   card

( ) 4. horse   homework

( ) 5. apple   table


l. colourful( )

2. expensive( )

3. cheap( )

4. pretty( )

5. dress( )

6. skirt( )

7. shirt( )

8. T-shirt( )

A.便宜的 B.短裙 C.T恤衫 D.昂贵的 E.连衣裙 F.漂亮的 G.色彩丰富的 H衬衫

三、 选出所给单词不同类的选项。(10分)

( ) 1. A. hamburger B. banana C. pear ( )

2. A. am B. is C. them ( )

3. A. sixty B. how much C. how many ( )

4. A. sneakers B. pants C. scandals ( )

5. A. pretty B. cheap C. expensive


( )1. Are they all right?

A. Yes, it is. B. No, they are good. C. Yes, they are.

( )2. How much _________?Thirty-five yuan.

A. it is B. are the sneaker C. are the shoes

( )3.What size?

A. Size five. B. Five yuan. C. Five o’clock.

( )4. How much________ your jeans?

A. is B. are C. am

( )5.________ that dress.

A. Look B. look at C. Look on

( )6. 1 want ________sneakers.

A. a B. a pair of C. an

( ) 7.—Mary:_______ ---Assistant: Size seven.

A What is size ? B What size ? C What size is ? D Can I help you.

( ) 8.---Ann:_________ ---Tom: Yes, please.

A Can I help you ? B How much is it ? C Can I wear shirt ? D Is it size five ?

( ) 9.---John: How much is it ? ---Amy:______________

A It is eight yuan B It is an apple. C It is not eight yuan D They are eight yuan.

( ) 10.---Kate:______________ ---Jim: They are forty yuan .

A How much are they ? B How much is it ? C How much they are ? D How much it is ?   

( ) 11、当你遇到一些需要帮助的人时,你可以主动地说

A Can I help you? B Can you help me? C Can I have a look?

( ) 12 、你刚认识一位外国的朋友,想知道他来自哪里,你应该怎么问

A Hi ,what is your name? B What are you ? C Hi ,where are you from?

五、 按正确顺序排列下列句子。(14分)

( ) Ok, I'll take it.

( ) How much is it?

( ) Can I help you?

( ) What size?

( ) It's ninety yuan.

( ) Size six.

( ) Yes, please. I want a pair of shoes.



( ) 1.Are they monkeys? A. Size 6.

( )2.What size? B. Yes, they are .

( ) 3.Is this the library? C. It's cool.

( ) 4.What's the weather like today? D. It's ten o'clock.

( ) 5.What's time is it now? E. Yes, it is.


1. much it how is ( ? )


2. how like you this do skirt( ? )


3. is it yuan ten ( . )


4. are much they how ( ? )


5. I help can you ( ?)


6、I can them try on (?)


7、 we take will them (。)



I'm Mike. I'm in Shanghai. It's very hot and sunny now. I can wear my new T-shirt. And my old hat is too small. I want to buy a new one. But it's too expensive. It's fifty yuan.

( )1.It's cool in Shanghai.

( )2.Mike has a new T-shirt.

( )3.The hat is forty yuan.

( )4.It's sunny in Shanghai.


一、听力理解 40%

A.听朗读,用A,B,C给下列每组图排序。(将序号写在 中) 10%【给7题】

B.择听到的句子,将序号填入提前括号内。10% 【给20题】

( ) 1. A. Where shall we go?

B. Where are you from?

( ) 2. A. I want to go to the park.

B. I want to go to the theme park.

( ) 3. A. We want to go to a farm.

B. We want to go to the zoo.

( ) 4. A. What’s this in English?

B. What’s that in English?

( ) 5. A. It’s a giraffe.

B. That’s a giraffe.

( ) 6. A. It has a long neck.

B. It has a long nose.

( ) 7. A. What are these in English?

B. What are those in English?

( ) 8. A. These are horses.

B. Those are horses.

( ) 9. A. These are sheep.

B. They’re sheep.

( ) 11. A. We want to go to the zoo.

B. We are at the zoo.

( ) 12. A. Are those cows?

B. Are these cows?

( ) 13. A. Would you like to take a trip?

B. Would you like to have a trip?

( ) 14. A. How about the zoo and the farm?

B. What about the zoo and the farm?

( ) 15. A. Look! The giraffe is so tall.

B. Look! The camel is so big.

( ) 16. A. Look! The dolphin is dancing.

B. Look! The horse is running.

( ) 17. A. What a big farm!

B. How big the farm is!

( ) 18. A. Can you find me?

B. Can you find us?.

( ) 19. A. We are on the farm.

B. We are in the farm.

( ) 20. A. No, there aren’t.

B. No, they aren’t.


1. 长颈鹿的特点2.一群绵羊3.游园的场景4.农场的场景5.动物园的场景

D.听朗读,选择正确答语。(AB两项, 只填序号) 10%【给20题】

( ) 1. A. It’s a horse.

B. There’s a horse.

( ) 2. A. These are sheep.

B. They’re sheep.

( ) 3. A. We want to go to the zoo.

B. I’m on the farm.

( ) 4. A. Yes, it is.

B. Yes, there is.

( ) 5. A. Certainly

B. Yes, I like.

( ) 6. A. Good idea.

B. Sure.

( ) 7. A. No, there isn’t.

B. No, they aren’t.

( ) 8. A. Hooray!

B. Let’s go.

( ) 9. A. There are seven.

B. They’re seven.

( ) 10. A. Yes, they are.

B. Yes, these are.

( ) 11. A. No, it isn’t.

B. No, they aren’t.

( ) 12. A. No, these aren’t.

B. No, they aren’t.

( ) 13. A. I’d love to.

B. Sure.

( ) 14. A. How nice.

B. It has long neck.

( ) 15. A. It’s a dolphin.

B. The dolphin is dancing.

( ) 16. A. They’re pigs.

B. They’re monkeys.

( ) 17. A. We’ll go the zoo.

B. Let’s go home.

( ) 18. A. Yes, they are.

B. Yes, those are.

( ) 19. A. We are at the zoo.

B. We want to go to the zoo.

( ) 20. A. Wow, it’s so big.

B. OK.


1.---What are these?--They are

2.---What’s this in English? It’s a

3.Look at the

4.,What a big

5.It’s a


( )1. What would you _________? I’d like some bread.

A. do B. want C. like

( )2. I want _________ a notebook.

A. to buy B. buying C. buy

( )3. A giraffe and a swan ___________ long necks.

A. have both B. both have C. are both

( )4. I enjoy ________. I can _________.

A. draw, draw B. drawing, draw C. draw, drawing

( )5. We have PE class _______ Friday.

A. in B. on C. at

( )6. I’d like _______ to the zoo.

A. going B. go C. to go

( )7. What are you good ________?

A. in B. for C. at

( )8. I’m not ____________ in painting.

A. interested B. interesting C. enjoy

( )9. What about ____________?

A. to me B. dancing C. dance

( )10. Today is Tuesday. The next day is __________.

A. Wednesday B. Monday C. Sunday

( )11. What are __________? ______ are geese

A. these, These B. those, They C. those. It

( )12. Let’s ________ the egg.

A. painting B. paint C. to paint

( )13. ____________ are you going tomorrow? I’m going to the zoo.

A. Where B. What C. How

( )14. What’s on the table?

A. There’s a window in it. B. There’s a cup in it.

C. There’s a mug on it.

( )15. We watch TV in the _________.

A. bedroom B. living room C. kitchen

四、选择合适的答语(将答语的序号填入括号内) 5%

( )1. Do you like swans? A. Certainly.

( )2. Would you like to take a trip? B. Wow, they are beautiful.

( )3. How can we go there? C. Yes, they are.

( )4. Are these peacocks? D. We can get there by coach.

( )5. Look at these turkeys. E. Yes, I do.

五、选择与下列句子意思相符的图片(将图片的序号填入括号内) 5%


( )1. -What will you do this Sunday? -We’ll go to the farm.

( )2. -Would you like to go to the zoo with me? -Certainly.

( )3. Look! The dolphin is dancing!

( )4. -What are these in English? - They’re cows.

( )5. These are sheep. Where is Micky?


A. 阅读短文,先连词成句,再将正确的选项添入题前的括号内

School is out in two days. The students of Class One want to take a trip and have a picnic. Peter wants to go to the Great Wall. Lisa wants to go to Beijing Zoo. She likes animals very much. Li Yan wants to go to a farm. Gao Wei wants to go the theme park. He is interested in playing. Tom wants to help the children in need. Do you have any ideas?

( )1.Does ,like, animals, Peter (?)

______ Peter like _______ ?

A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t.

( )2.in ,two, school, Is ,days, out (?)

Is _______ out _______ two days?

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t.

( )3.Gao Wei ,Where, to, want, does, go (?)

_________ does Gao Wei _______ to go?

A. He wants go to the Great Wall. B. He wants to go the theme park

B. 阅读短文,判断对错,对的划“√”错的划“×”

( )1.The students of Class Three want to take a trip.

( )2.Lisa wants to go to Beijing Zoo.

( )3.Tom wants to go to the theme park, he likes playing.

( )4.All the students like having a picnic.


一、 翻译下列词语。(24分)

1.鸡肉 2.鱼 3.姐妹

4.兄弟 5.父亲 6.母亲

7.司机 8.医生 9.农民

10.护士 11.教师 12.学生

二、 完成单词,并写出中文意思。(12分)

1.f mily 2.unc e

3.pare ts 4.a nt

5.b by 6.b seball pl yer

三、 按要求写单词。(15分)

1.young(写反义词) 2.come(写反义词)

3.isn‘t(完全形式) 4.you are(缩写形式)

5.I(宾格) 6.he(物主代词)

7.we(物主代词) 8.she(物主代词)

9.near(同类词) 10.have(同义词)

四、 连词成句。(10分)

1. your, people, there. Many, in, have, family, are?

2. family, members, six, my, have.

3. father, is, what, your?

4. tree, are, the, fifteen, there, on, apple.

5. your, is, mother, this?

五、 根据上下问意思,完成下列对话。(15分)

1. A: ? B: My mother is nurse.

2. A: Is she your aunt? B: No, .

3. A: ? B: I’d like some eggs.

4. A: ? B: This is my father.

5. A: ? B: There are five books in the bag.

六、 写出下列的中文意思。(9分)

1. member 2.only

3.little puppy 4.welcome

5.mama 6.you‘re right.

七、 选择正确句子的序号完成对话。(15分)

1.A: John! Look at these photos. 2. B: .

3. A: Yes, they are. 4. B: Who’s this man?

5. A: . 6. B: Who‘s she?

7. A: . 8. B: Is this girl your sister?

9. A: . 10. B: Who’ that baby?

11. A: .

A. Yes, she is a nurse. B. She‘s my aunt.

C. Ha! Ha! It’s me. D. He‘s a teacher.

E. Are they your family photos?


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