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Dear _,


My name is __. I am __ this year. I am a senior three student from __ Senior Middle School in __ Province. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read my cover letter.

Your school has a long history, profound cultural heritage, rich teaching resources and good academic atmosphere. It has cultivated many outstanding talents for the society, and many majors are among the best in China. Many of my classmates have chosen your school as their first choice. I also hope to get the admission notice of your school next summer. I hope to become a student of your school and pursue further study in your school. I hope to become a useful talent for the society and the motherland and a witness of the glorious history of your school. I hope that this independent admission examination can change the track of my life and let me be admitted to your school.

I choose your school because I believe that your school pays attention to both process and results. I think I am personally suitable for the education in your university.

I come from __ high school science experimental class, in this class of masters, my academic performance is always slightly better. Such achievements, let me firmly rooted in the school in the forefront of learning. In fact, I still have a lot of potential, and my score still has room to increase. My in-depth analysis of the problem and mastery of knowledge are not fully reflected in my paper. In many cases, my answers were correct, but the process was not understood by the marking teacher. Sometimes, the process is clear, but the result is a tiny mistake that misses the right answer.

I am very proud of the Results in the Olympic Games. Well, it wasn't the best, but I was proud of it. When I was in high school, I took part in the chemistry competition and won the third prize in the city. I was just trying my hand at it. In the second year of high school, I opened a biology class. My interest in biology made me participate in the competition class without hesitation and put my heart and soul into the vast ocean of "biology". In fact, at that time, there were only ten days from the city competition and only half a month to prepare for the provincial competition. I devoured a 600-page "Biology Olympiad Course" and did dozens of exercises in less than ten days. Time pays off to those who wait, I entered the provincial competition as the second in __ city competition. In order to prepare for the provincial competition, I taught myself university biology courses and did the Examination questions for the Olympic Games for nearly five years. I was busy until late at night and rushed to the school library in the early morning. At that time, the summer sports meeting was held in the school. The athletes were sweating in the field, and I was sweating in the hot room. I prepared very enough, complacent, potential in the win, I even boast haikou: "fight for a province, save two provinces", now it seems that I was like a bow, no matter spiritually or physically are zhang full, days of exhaustion like a flood over the warning line. As a result, I did not bring my dream into reality, and I won the second prize in the province by two points. I only got the third provincial prize. At that time, I was very sad, sad for their own efforts, my mother advised me: "this process is a great wealth of life." Now it seems that even the provincial third prize has a great role in the independent enrollment, doesn't it? Doesn't it help me get one step closer to the university OF my choice? I think the Olympic Games is an unforgettable experience for me, which makes me know that the process is as important as the result.

I am a science major, and I pay attention to the reasonableness of things. I not only attach importance to IQ, but also attach great importance to the development of EQ while developing the intellectual resources of my brain. I served as math class representative when I was in senior one of high school. At that time, I received and handed out homework every day to help teachers finish their teaching tasks. In grade two, I was selected as a representative of biology class by my classmates. In my study, I often helped those students who were weak in biology and explained difficult problems to them. Therefore, I was welcomed by my classmates and was selected as a merit student for many times. I took an active part in class activities. I choreographed historical plays Tiger Symbol and Thunderstorm, which were warmly praised by my classmates. In the debate contest organized by the school, I helped my class win all six battles and hung the "first place" banner.

My interest in literature broadens my horizon and broadens my thinking. I have published more than ten compositions in provincial and municipal newspapers, and I have many articles on _ website. I think a big tree, no matter how big, its roots are always deeply rooted in the earth. The root of literature is deeply rooted in China's long traditional culture. I like Journey to the West, especially the Romance of The Three Kingdoms, and love a Dream of Red Mansions. I love the Romance of The Three Kingdoms because it is simple and succinct, and I love a Dream of Red Mansions because it is gentle and pleasant. When I read about zhuge Liang's fall from the five battlefields, THERE was always infinite lament. Every time I read Lin Daiyu die before that scene, that try my best 1 "treasure jade, you -------" cannot help but for her to receive 1 "treasure jade, you are cruel." And then it hurts. I think, "Romance of The Three Kingdoms" taught me to look at problems skeptically, while "Dream of Red Mansions" taught me to solve problems with ideal vision. I use traditional classics to build a unified bridge between ideal and reality.

In my opinion, senior high school students should develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically in an all-round way. What they cultivate are not only "talents" with a large amount of knowledge reserve, but also "talents" who can make full and flexible use of their knowledge reserve. The goal of my high school is not only to be admitted to a famous university like yours, but also to have a secure future. My high school goal is to become an all-round high-quality talent with thoughts, morality, knowledge and skills. I want to throw myself into the modernization of the motherland like fire. I don't want to become an empty full of knowledge, but nothing to do, mediocre life. For me, your school is the Great Wall in my heart. I think only by entering your school can "heroes come into play". Looking forward to your recognition!

Yours sincerely,














奥克兰大学(The University of Auckland),简称奥大,世界百强,新西兰顶尖学府。大学位列2021QS世界大学排名第81位,全新西兰第1,2020THE世界大学影响力排名第1,2020THE世界大学排名第179位,2020U.S. News世界大学排名第134位。




坎特伯雷大学(英文:University of Canterbury;毛利文:Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha),位于新西兰坎特伯雷省的省会基 督城,是新西兰历史第二悠久的研究型大学,21世纪学术联盟成员。2021QS世界大学排名270。


奥克兰理工大学,原名为奥克兰理工学院(AUT),始建于1895年。2000年,经新西兰总督批准,奥克兰理工学院被新西兰政府正式升级为国立综合性大学,并更名为奥克兰理工大学(AUT)。大学位列2020THE世界大学排名新西兰全国第3;2021QS世界大学排名第437位;2020年度泰晤士世界大学排名第251-300位;2020年度U.S. News世界大学排名第251-300位。




惠灵顿维多利亚大学(Victoria University of Wellington),简称VUW,建校于1897年,位于新西兰首都惠灵顿,是一所大型公立综合性全国大学,新西兰八大五大学之一,为AACSB和EQUIS认证成员。在2021年QS世界大学排名中,惠灵顿维多利亚大学位列世界第223位。


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