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Dear _,

Putting on my first pair of black ballet shoes at the tender age of 6 brings a smile to my face. Little did I realise at that time the joy, passion and sheer delight it has given me.

My interest in dance started at the age of 6 years old in my local ballet class. It fascinates me in the way we can move without speaking with just the emotion on ones face and the movement created to show such feeling. My passion lies in dance, as this is what I have always wanted to do. I have chosen to study dance at university as I would like to take this path to find my future career.

Ballet is my most prominent form of dance as I feel that this is my strongest dance style. It is so expressive, graceful and leaves so much inspiration. I take two one hour classes outside of school to develop my skills as a ballerina; one of which is a private lesson. In these lessons I am working towards achieving my intermediate exam on the RAD examination board, which I will be taking in summer 2009. This shows the commitment I have to attend these classes. These lessons have improved my pointe work and posture tremendously. The classes give me so much fulfilment and at the end of each class feel as though I have achieved something, improving after every class.

I also attend “______ _______ Stage School”; this gives me the opportunity to broaden my ability to dance in other styles of dance. Every week I take classes in Gymnastics, Ballet, Modern, Tap and Drama. Each class helps me to improve and challenges my ability. Modern helps me to improve my stamina, endurance and technical ability, while tap is helping me to improve my co-ordination. Whilst attending “______ ______” I have achieved my bronze medal in gymnastic dance and Grade 6 ballet. In January 2009 I am looking to accomplish my Intermediate ballet examination on the IDTA exam board. I am also working at Grade 5 standard in both Modern and tap classes. With “______ ______ Stage School” I have performed at my local theatre “The ______ Swan” in June 2007. This gave me the opportunity to perform in front of an audience in new styles of dance including line dancing and a Caribbean style. I will also be dancing here in June 2009.

At school I voluntarily help in a GCSE dance class to help my teacher. Last year my teacher was pregnant, so I taught 20 students their set solo for their dance GCSE exam. This gave me great experience and confidence as I was able to work with the students to help them with a subject I have such a passion for. This year I am going to be organising a dance class for the new year Seven’s, and then choreograph a routine for them to perform in our gym and dance show at school.

Recently at school I have become elected as Head of Year 10. In this capacity I will be constantly liaising with the form groups of Year 10 and discussing what changes they would like within the school community. Also as part of this important role I must organise events for their year group: with their help and support. I was chosen from many applicants who applied for this position due to me being a good role model, influential, organised and enthusiastic. In July this year I ran a workshop for Year 2’s in dance. I spent the day teaching over 100 children the art of Maypole dancing. I also received a very prestigious ‘Head Teachers Commendation’ certificate. This is given to only one student each year in each subject. I received this for my contribution to dance. The school I attend at present specialises in Performing Arts and Technology. I have also volunteered to assist in a Year 6 Technology Day, Year 6 Induction Evenings and Year 10 Team Building Day.

My A level choices were chosen around the subject of dance. I am studying Performing Arts, Dance and Philosophy and Ethics. I chose Performing Arts as this included dance, drama and music. I particularly enjoyed creating a performance in the style of Lloyd Newson. The way he used taboo subjects, risks and humour, allowed me to develop my understanding of dance, to create an original piece of contemporary dance. The reason I chose Philosophy and Ethics is not only because I find it interesting but also to improve my essay writing skills.

Outside of school I work part time at _______ Pharmacy, where I have been for a year now. My duties include customer care, being able to work within a team, cash handling and giving medical advice to customers.

Every week I also attend a church youth group for 11 to 18 year olds. Here I am able to get involved with the local community with projects such as ‘Lighthouse’. This is a Christian summer school for children aged 4 to 11. Here I work as a volunteer during the first week of the schools summer holidays. As this will be my last year here I will also be helping to raise money for a group of friends to go out to Kenya. To do this we will need to organise fundraising events to support their journey.

University life, I believe, will be challenging, engaging and will give me opportunities to pursue my love of dance.

Yours sincerely,





















9、 形象:女生尽量淑女一些,传统,保守,不要大胆,前卫或太美丽,这样无论遇到男签证官还还是女签证官,都是最保险的形象;男生应该表现的精干点,don’t need the formal suit,但太随便也不好。

10、 注意:当你已经排在某个签证官前时,就应保持兴奋的状态,不按顺序叫,听到你的名字后,你走向前,一定要注意,不要趴在台上,有些人一紧张d就疏忽了。















外国学生如已通过Visa Mantis审查并已获得签证,其Visa Mantis审查的有效期可达完成经批准的学习项目所需期限,最长为4年,但如果该学生更换学习项目,则审查结果不再有效;如重新申请签证,需接受Visa Mantis复查。

临时工作人员、交流访问者和公司内部调动人员如通过Visa Mantis审查,有效期可达完成经批准的活动所需期限,最长为2年。

如果签证持有人在美国从事的活动性质发生变化,审查结果将失效;如重新申请签证,需接受Visa Mantis复查。




美国决定延长F类(学生)、J类(交流访问者)、H类(临时工作人员)、L类(公司内部调动人员)和B类(旅游和商务)签证的Visa Mantis审查有效期。

在原签证已到期的情况下,如为继续在美国参加原定的学习或工作项目提交新的签证申请,可能不必接受另一轮Visa Mantis审查,但如有必要,领事官员可在审理签证申请的过程中酌情要求进行Visa Mantis审查。


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