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范文百科分享 505461

范文百科 分享



Dear _,

A student of the Peking University’s inaugural program of advertising, I am writing in support of my application for acceptance into your graduate program of communication studies. With my solid education and my professional experience that is as colorful as it is rare, I believe that, with your seasoned guidance, I can build upon my strong background, for a pioneering career in China’s booming advertising industry.

At Peking University, dubbed the Harvard of China by President Clinton on his recent trip to Chins, I have been a student star on campus due to my outstanding academic performances. When I entered into this university in 1995, I already stood out among my crop of freshmen, having won a total of scores in the 1995 National College Entrance Examinations that was the fifth highest in Beijing. A fervent fan of my chosen subject of studies, I have proved myself as much of an intellectual wizard in higher learning as I was in grade school, as demonstrated by my grades, which placed me at the very top in my class of 23. My GPA in the first three years is 89.5, a rarely seen high grade in PKU. My GPA for core courses is over 90, far higher than that of my fellow students. I was the only one who received 100, the full mark, in two theoretical courses, the advanced mathematics and appreciation of fine arts. In practical courses like computer design, my grades were also high, sometimes as high as 96. In recognition of such stellar performances, I have been named the top student of the department and granted Academic Excellence Scholarships for three consecutive years. I was elected the Student Representative for Academic Affairs.

But I was no bookworm. To broaden my vision and enrich my knowledge, I also chose electives in such fields as Russian Literature and Chinese History. I have spent considerably more time in the library than my classmates. The more I learnt on campus, the more I hoped to see the real world outside the ivory tower. So in the first summer recess, I applied for a temporary job at the Yaxing Advertising Agency, affiliated with the China Sports Daily, when most of my friends and classmates were enjoying themselves at home or traveling around. Appointed as the accounting executive assistant, I helped organize a promotional event for the Atlantic Olympic Games. This job gave me a picture of China’s advertising industry.

In the first semester of the academic year 1996-1997, I worked part-time with the PKU TV Net, where I was offered a splendid opportunity to improve my ability in journalism. Being a Weekly News broadcaster, I regularly faced tens of thousands of audience, which greatly increased my confidence. I learnt to think independently and cooperate wit others when doing the series reports “PKU students’ life”, a program which was mainly about student recipients of prizes in national and international contests. Conducted with creativity and diligence, the program was placed among the best programs in the PKU TV Net.

Unlike most other students, I have never stopped working while in school. From September 1997 on, I have been working as a research assistant in CCTV’s Qiantu Advertising Company, the sixth biggest in China. My responsibility is to establish a market database. Difficult as it was, I have handled it without a glitch. I have also done part-time work helping to promote the President Food Corporation and served as a research assistant in the S & D Research Agency, a consulting firm specialized in conducting market surveys for multinationals in China.

With special skills in Chinese calligraphy, I taught calligraphy in the China Children’s Center, the best of its kind in China. My students, mostly six to twelve years old, had difficulties in understanding the aesthetics inherent Chinese calligraphy. To help them, I taught them Chinese poems and ancient characters instead of confining myself to only calligraphy. The approach turned out to be very effective, and their skills improved dramatically. In these and other similar experiences, I gained skills of interpersonal communication, particularly in terms of how to understand other people’s problems and how to help them out.

It is in my working experience that I first developed the desire to pursue advanced studies in a quality graduate program in the United States. As an intern with the Dentsu Young & Rubicam Advertising Corporation, one of the world’s largest communications groups, I now witness firsthand the dramatic social and economic changes engendered by the proliferation of digital technologies and increasing corporate globalization. These changes have created the highly sophisticated information society. Trying daily to develop wordings that could catch people’s attention in this complex society, I have acquired a heightened sense of urgency about improving attention in this complex society, I have acquired a heightened sense of urgency about improving China’s advertising industry at both theoretical and practical levels. I believe that advertising expertise from such advanced countries as the U. S. and Japan would certainly help China. In order to command such expertise and then introduce it to my country, I am making this application so that I can have a firm grasp of the advanced theories and practices your country has developed in communication field, particularly in respect of advertising.

I believe that my English proficiency is more than sufficient for me to undertake the kind of studies that I am seeking through this application. I have scored well in such English language tests as TIEFL and GRE. As a better indicator of my practical language skills, I just finished translating an English book “The History of Graphic Design” into Chinese together with four other translators, including a professor. My writing, listening and oral English are as good as my reading.

This application is being made with a sense of mission. As an undergraduate, I have learned the basics of advertising, and I would be promising in China as a graduate from one of the country’s best universities. With a booming advertising industry in China, I will surely secure a well-paying job. But I cannot be satisfied unless I can help my country as much I help myself. For that, I wish to enhance my capabilities by pursuing graduate studies in such fields as mass communication, communication studies or media studies at a university in North America, where these genres of studies are much more developed than in China. Whatever program I get in, I would like my studies to be focused on the theories of and practices in advertising. If you find me qualified for advanced studies in areas other than those I have mentioned, I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know any suggestions that you may have.

The University of Hawaii is well known for its unique position as a bridge between east and west. It is well known for its excellence in the communication field, complete with an accomplished faculty and modern research resources. With students from various nations, it provides its students with a good chance to learn from different cultures. It is an ideal place for communication studies. If I am accepted, I believe I can make quick progress in communication studies in general, and in advertising in particular.

I plan to return to China after the completion of my graduate studies either to teach at one of the larger Chinese universities or to lead a Chinese advertising company. In either case, I will bring back what I will have learned. I hope that, when the history of modern advertising in China is written, I will be remembered as one of those who have played a pioneering role in the development of the industry.

Yours sincerely,



Dear _,

In a world that is continually growing and evolving and problems such as global warming and population growth becoming ever more real, the need for innovation and fresh ideas from the engineering world becomes increasingly evident. It is this that attracts me to civil engineering as a career because although I am aware of the many pressures and demands I would be facing, the sense of achievement and the knowledge that I would be making a difference to the lives of others would be of great personal reward to me!

My fascination for engineering started when I was young, and has only increased since then. I enjoyed playing video and computer games that required planning and strategy. I watched ???Extreme Engineering??? when it first aired on the Discovery channel and today I have seen every episode up to season five and am waiting to see the sixth season. I have a game called ???West Point Bridge designer??? that has taught me about the different properties of each type of bridge and allows me to experiment with different bridge designs as well as using different materials in the most cost effective way possible.

Unfortunately for my parents, this fascination extended into reverse engineering as well and ranged from my toys as a child to unused household items and broken cars and motorcycles as an adolescent. This interest was then nurtured during my schooling and college years - at school learning about the history of art and how the smallest engineering discoveries led to the biggest architectural breakthroughs, for instance the impact that the arch, concrete and the dome had on Ancient Roman and proceeding architecture. In college I thoroughly enjoyed mathematics and physics particularly in the applied sections, and although my grades do not reflect this, a big portion of my gap year has already been spent on preparation towards of their improvement.

As well as a lot of revision, my gap year so far has been a wealth of new experiences and challenges from things as silly as learning to juggle and ride a unicycle to teaching myself to play the keyboard and getting my motorcycle license. I also had a job as a general labourer working under the site manager on a building site where I worked alongside the tradesmen and occasionally the architect, thereby gaining valuable experience in keeping to the strict requirements of working to time schedules and regulations, planning, problem solving and keeping quality of work up and expenses down. Previous to that I worked at my local supermarket as a general assistant and was eventually promoted to a team leader. I was responsible for liaising with my managers and keeping them up to date with what was happening around the store and making sure my staff knew what was expected of them throughout their shifts as well as doing my own work around the store. This taught me how to deal with people in a variety of situations in a polite and professional manner while also greatly improving my communicational and social skills.

Being born and raised in South Africa and having made the transition and adaptation to English culture and way of life with ease, I have no doubt I would adapt in much the same way to university life. Also I think it is important that I have witnessed the differences in infrastructure between developed and third world countries and their respective effects on the surrounding populations and feel I could use this knowledge to my advantage.

I am a very active person and sport has always been a big part of my life. In high school I captained my cricket and rugby teams and was part of the swimming, tennis and athletics teams and represented my home province in cricket, athletics and surfing. Living over here I am a member of the local cricket and rugby club; I take part in the occasional darts and pool tournaments and am a regular at the local health centre. All of this means I have a lot of experience in performing under pressure, pushing myself and working well as a team.

By the end of my gap year I hope to have: fulfilled my travelling plans where I hope to go backpacking in Asia as I think it will be an awe-inspiring and eye opening experience; have learnt many more new skills and gained more relevant work experience; and hopefully begin a journey into becoming a part of the great and prolific industry of ingenuity and creativity that is the world of engineering.

Yours sincerely,













悉尼聚集了来自世界各地的人,不管是留学生、移民、游客,这也就意味着你能找到来自同一个国家的小伙伴,也能交到来自不同文化背景的朋友。另外,多元化还意味着,你在悉尼永远不会无聊,永远会有各种精彩的活动,例如在我大天朝的春节时,悉尼也会有大型的庆祝活动,庆祝游 行,烟火等等。




1)在悉尼塔龙加动物园(Taronga Zoo)与动物们亲密接触。从环形码头(Circular Quay)乘坐渡轮去动物朋友们居住的水滨家园塔龙加动物园看望它们。这座动物园里生活了2,900多种外来及本土动物,包括大猩猩、老虎、豹子、黑猩猩、长颈鹿、袋鼠和考拉。

2)悉尼歌剧院(Sydney Opera House)。沿着环形码头漫步,寻找悉尼歌剧院永不褪色的秘密。丰富多样、日程紧凑的演出计划让歌剧院成为悉尼最繁忙的音乐、艺术和表演场馆之一。参加幕后之旅(Backstage Tour),了解歌剧院背后的工作机制。这类游览活动信息量丰富,且有包括日语、普通话和法语等多种语言讲解。

3)攀登悉尼海港大桥(Sydney Harbour Bridge)。于1932年竣工的悉尼海港大桥被亲切的称为衣架(The Coathanger),是一座名副其实的工程杰作。游客可自由地在这座横跨悉尼海港(Sydney Harbour)的宏伟建筑上漫步或骑自行车。而攀爬大桥体验则能够将你的乐趣提升到新的高度,悉尼大桥攀登公司(Bridge Climb)提供众多攀登项目,无需特别的攀登技巧就能爬上桥身,还有黎明与黄昏攀登计划可供选择。



悉尼大学(The University of Sydney),始建于1850年,是坐落于南半球金融、贸易与旅游中心——澳大利亚新南威尔士州首府悉尼的世界顶尖研究型大学。悉尼大学是全澳历史最悠久的大学,是整个南半球的学术殿堂和全球知名的高等学府。




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